Mystic Journal

Journal Of Thought

Saturday, March 13, 2004

The future is bright as it can be blinding, though if I keep my eyes in the present I will follow the light. Leaving behind in the shadows a past well learned and once indulged. I know my dreams; I embrace them tightly, dancing to the rhythm of reality. For it is the song of life to be celebrated in this joyous experience of embodiment.


Sunday, March 07, 2004

Seeds Of Inner Child

Spring has awaken the flower beds as Mother Earth warms the soil and preparing it for growth. As she does to all little seedlings that bury themselves under her skin.
My thoughts trickling through as I watered the moist soil, knowing If I do my part Mother Earth will take care of the rest. Then I caught my reflection staring back at me from the small pool of water swirling above ground.
I could see the child within calling out to me. “Release me”…”Release me”. “I am but your seedling, your beginning and all that you are today”. “If you let me free, I will teach you how to be free from all of conditionings of your past that no longer serve you”.
I sat kneeling and staring at the soil that once held the pool of water and my reflection. It was gone before I could even speak.
And when darkness fell into the night, I found my mind still replaying those words. Unable to sleep, I went into the bathroom and striped. Standing naked in
front of the mirror, searching for the child within. Hollering into the depths of my mind. “Where are You?...I am here to set you free”.
That was many years ago and as of today, I am finally beginning to let my child within free. For this is my Spring time for new beginnings.

April 2003